Come join us for Concerts, Events , Parades, Marching Camps and Rehearsals.
Step into your Royals world and get to witness everything they do up close and personal.
Chaperoning for the Royals is an amazing opportunity to spend time with the Band and to get to know each member. To be able to connect with a member and help them through a hard day and to be there when they are having a fantastic day, to help each member and to make sure they know they have a safe adult to chat with.
We support our Director of Bands and his staff and we help with equipment.
To Chaperone is a gift in itself. Take the time to sign up and you will see what an amazing group you've become a part of.
Chaperone & Attendance Signup Sheet(s)
Criminal Record Check
To obtain a criminal record check parents/guardians residing Red Deer please visit www.reddeer.ca/check
Please note, there is a $5.00 fee for a Basic Criminal Record check for volunteers. For a personalized letter please email chaperones@reddeerroyals.com
Intervention Record Check
For parents/guardian residing in Red Deer please call 403-340-5400 to get a online form emailed to you to complete.